Diablo 2 amazon breakpoints
Diablo 2 amazon breakpoints

diablo 2 amazon breakpoints

  • Medium Armor and Medium Shields reduce your movement speed by 0.30 Yards per Second.
  • You should consider for a fast speed movement Build that the following equipment will reduce your movement speed: 04 seconds, it may not even seem worthwhile, however in practice, even single frames can make a noticeable difference.Movement Speed and Charge Movement Speed are added to your character's speed in Yards per Second.Įven though Speed Reduction from Armor and Shields is not directly related to Faster Run/Walk. This means that an Amazon with 31 FHR is effectively equal to one with only 20.Īs one frame is a mere. You will not see any change in Faster Hit Recovery until you pass the next breakpoint. Since frames of animation cannot be further divided into fractions, this creates "breakpoints". There are 25 frames per second, so as the Faster Hit Recovery increases, the frames decrease. Hit Recovery Frames = (rounded up) - 1 Faster Hit Recovery breakpoints The calculation to find the hit recovery frames is: The calculation to find Effective Faster Hit Recovery (EFHR) is:ĮFHR = (rounded down) The standard animation speed is 256 except in the case of the human-form Druid wielding one handed weapons (248), Werebear-form Druid (184), and a Paladin using two handed weapons (192). The hit base of the characters are as follows: This is not a base hit recovery rate, but the value is used to calculate the hit recovery rate. Each character has a base hit recovery value. If a hit from a monster deals damage greater than 1/12th of a hero's maximum Life, he/she will be stunned.

    diablo 2 amazon breakpoints

    Diablo II: Resurrected Review - Pile Of Old BonesĪll characters share the same stun threshold in Diablo II/ Lord of Destruction.

    Diablo 2 amazon breakpoints